Reduce Engineering Changes by 30% by Using VSA
With the ever-increasing demand for lean manufacturing and lower overall costs, engineering time-waste is one of the most important areas to address. Not only does this factor into the length of a project from start to finish, but time-waste increases the number of man-hours needed. Whether this means overtime, time away from other projects, or unnecessary staffing requirements, time-waste is affecting your production process.
By implementing solutions for Variation Analysis, your team could reduce engineering changes by up to 30%.
Learn more in our upcoming webinar:
July 23, 2020
2pm ET
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How Can Variation Analysis Save Your Team Time?
Variation Analysis creates a 3D prototype that simulates the production build process. Within the digital prototype, users will find a comprehensive representation of geometry, product variation (tolerances), assembly process variation (sequence, assembly attachment definition, tooling), and measurements.
This model can be used to predict any assembly build problems before making any physical parts or cutting any tooling. Additionally, this software helps users pinpoint the root causes of any build problems and optimizes the design, tolerances, and assembly process early in the product development process.
Benefits of Variation Analysis
• Identifies dimensional problems from excessive variation early in the design cycle, reduces the need for engineering changes
• Produces a 3D model that clearly Identifies and quantifies variation causes and contributors
• Offers the ability to create feature-based models before geometry is available, thus helping to drive the design before parts are made or tooling is cut
• Optimizes production monitoring
• Reduces manufacturing costs by maximizing allowable tolerances
• Cuts engineering changes by nearly 30%
• Reduces time to create simulations
Learn More About Reducing Engineering Changes
If you are looking for more information on how VSA could help you team, our upcoming webinar “Reduce Engineering Changes by 30% by Using VSA” is a great start!
July 23, 2020
2pm ET
Register Now!
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